Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hear O Israel Worship

I want to invite you to enjoy the worship playlist on my new youtube channel.  Just go to my playlist and hear the sounds of Israel!  Paul Wilbur is featured and some of my other favorite artists.  This is the time to lift up our God over Jerusalem and our beloved friends of Israel. Here is one of my favorites and the opening of my worship playlist.   

Friday, April 11, 2014

Passover - One New Man Jew & Gentile

Messiah Jesus Christ, brings together all mankind, Jew and Gentile, bond and free, male and female.  "All things were made by Him and through Him we are all held together". Colossians.  Jesus the Messiah, is the great unifying force of eternity.  Around His throne and through His passover blood we are brought to the Father in one New Man. Israel has brought us our great redeemer and through this great lineage Jesus has established an everlasting covenant with His bride, His chosen ones. John had a revelation of the throne of Jehovah God and saw the 24 elders representing the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 apostles.  Together they celebrate His holy presence and cry unto Him continually...."Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty".  Jehovah Father has given us the pathway to His presence through this Passover sacrifice and made us through Messiah Jesus a better covenant than Adam, Moses, Abraham, or any other name than can be named.  The book of Hebrews says this covenant through Christ establishes His final blessing on heaven and earth. We are the ones who receive this blessing.  Let us join with our good Jewish friends in this Passover season and celebrate with them!  


Friday, March 28, 2014

Stones of Remembrance

When we first bought the ground where our home sits, the sandy soil was difficult even to walk on.  But as we laid the stones and made pathways into what is now my "shema" garden, the stones became like stones of remembrance.  As we reflect back over God's goodness and tender love and the many stones He has laid in our lives, let us not forget what He has done on our journey to healing. 

My "Shema" garden

Hi, i'm Nancy and I want to take you into the secret places of my heart and God's presence for your healing.  I have made a garden built around this idea and you can go with me and come with me into this garden.  I will be sharing short videos that, I believe, can bring healing to the broken areas of your life.

Nancy's Shema Garden

I invite you into my "Shema" garden.  This simple video talks about the broken pieces being restored by God's love.  Let Him take those unlovely, unlikely parts of your heart and make them soft and open to His presence.